Wednesday, February 9, 2011

50th Thankful Thursday: More Loves! :)

IT'S THE 50TH THANKFUL THURSDAY!!!  :D  I think it's only fitting to celebrate this momentous occasion with another List of 50 Loves.  :)

Just some background: this semester marks the first time I've diligently worked out at the gym, and I'm seeing awesome results.   This is a super exciting time for me, and so health-related items came up a lot during this list.  Sometime I will write up a full post on it to explain why it's so awesome for me.  :)

Ivy's Second List of 50 Loves
1. My slippers.
2. Christmas lights
3. Talking to myself
4. Listening to my youngest sister play the clarinet, especially when it squeaks (brings back so many memories...)
5.  Exchanging emails with my next youngest sister about girlie stuff, especially when her response includes "FREAKIN GORGEOUS!"  :D
6.  When my next youngest sister laughs.  There are few sounds as cheering and contagious on earth.
7.  When I get home and Molly, our pooch, runs at me with her sideways prance and her lips pulled back in a shocked smile, and her rear-end wagging in joy.  :)  And her puppy kisses.  Her soft fur...  :)
8.  When Dad and I sit in the living room, talking.
9.  When Mom drives up here to rescue her incapacitated daughter and take her home.  She is an angel.
10.  The love my Savior, Jesus Christ has for me.  That He would be born, live, die and live again, for me.
11.  Letters from my brother.  Emails from my brother.  Anything from my brother.
12.  My camera.  And the fact that I can take a photo and practically immediately email it to my family.  That they don't have to wait until I come home to share in my experiences.
13.  Visiting former teachers   :)
14.  Kleenex
15.  When I'm healthy
16.  This incredible phenomenon of being aware of my muscles and their growth.  Of feeling them move.
17.  Being able to pull my shoulders back and hold good posture.  And being able to do so for ever-lengthening periods.
18.  How incredibly strong and miraculous my body is right now.
19.  The vision of what my body and fortress can become and is becoming.
20.  Sleeping through the night
21.  Talking on the phone with family and friends
22.  My apartment
23.  Comments from you and other readers :)  (hint, hint)
24.  Fun Youtube videos like Buffy vs. Edward :)
25.  Singing silly songs (er, Pokemon theme song, anyone?) at the top of my lungs with my youngest sister
26.  Hugs from my family
27.  My coat.  Oh, how I'm grateful for my coat.  And my snow boots.
28.  Public transportation and not needing to defrost my car in the mornings.  :)
29.  Friends to talk with in classes.
30.  Walking across campus in the wee hours of morning, and seeing my church advisor running and not recognizing her until she gave her awesome sunshiny laugh and smile.  :)
31.  Fuzzy hamsters who give inspiring speeches, and seeing that the guy who voices said hamster actually kind of looks like one.  :)
32.  Thought-provoking guest blogs on news sites and opinion articles.
33.  When people show me how to be a better person.
34.  When I know something I've done made a difference
35.  Recognizing tender blessings and mercies from the Savior
36.  Wearing jewelry I've made myself.  Or seeing ladies wear jewelry I  made for them.  :)
37.  Peace
38.  My scriptures.  And the moments when what I'm reading perfectly meets my needs in that moment.
39. Finding out someone made one of my recipes and thought highly of it.  :)
40.  Weekends
41.  My journal.  I love being able to read what I've been through and conquered, and what I learned in situations where I endured.  
42.  The knowledge that I am loved.
43.  Getting all or most things on my to-do list done (rare but satisfying)
44.  When I know I've prioritized and gotten the most important things done.
45.  The rice warmer my aunt and uncle gave me for Christmas.  I delight in climbing into a bed that's been pre-warmed for me.  :)
46.  Chocolate milk
47.  Looking through scrapbooks and watching family home videos.  Reflecting in grateful awe that my parents raised me.
48.  My backpack.  I'm hoping it lasts one more year...
49.  Laughing so hard I ache and/or can't breathe.
50.  D&C 123:16-17  "... Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
51.  The knowledge that you actually read through that list this far.  THANK YOU!  :)

This week:  What are some of your loves?


  1. Ooh! Oooh!! Me? I love making my friends and sisters (meh, same thing!) laugh so hard they can't breathe and are completely incapacitated! It absolutely fills me with joy! XD

  2. I love talking with you about things I know nothing about, like making bread! (I made it again in a glass pan...Much better this time) I also love finding things and thinking to myself, "Ivy would like that." I try to tell you about them every time I can. And I'm so happy that you're going to a gym and that your body is doing great! Keep it up!

  3. Oh, comments!!! :D Thank you so much, Summer and Christina!!! :D I love it when you incapacitate me through laughter, and I love it when you tell me about your cooking!!!

    Thank you both for making my day!!! :D


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