Wednesday, November 3, 2010

36th Thankful Thursday: List of 50 Loves


I had no idea what could be special enough to celebrate this occasion with you. My inspired sister suggested I write a list of 50 things I love. Wow. She is awesome. So, dear reader, here is

Ivy's First List of 50 Loves:

1. When I visit home, and Mom and Molly (our dog) come downstairs to wake me up. Molly sticks her feathery whiskers and moist nose into my face and gives me puppy kisses. Pure delight. :)
2. When Dad gives me shoulder and neck massages.
3. When I visit home and my sisters come running yelling "IVY, IVY" and give me the best hugs on earth.
4. When my sisters laugh without restraint. Delightful.
5. When I get emails from Mom.
6. When I serve in the Temple and feel peace and love.
7. Friends. :)
8. The thrill from listening to majestic music. (Such as this, this, or this, I would love links to some of your favorites)
9. The sweet, cutting smell of freshly mown lawn.
10. Hand-written letters from my brother (and others).
11. The aroma, taste and texture of fresh-baked bread. Especially with butter & honey, and a glass of milk. The same delight in homemade chocolate chip cookies.
12. The charm of crunching through crisp, fallen, autumn leaves. Skipping accentuates the experience.
13. Attending Les Miserables live. The best was my high school's drama class. Incredible.
14. Sinking into bed after a long day.
14. Clean, fresh bed sheets + clean, fresh pajamas + clean self + clean, cold pillowcase + warm blankets... blissful zzzzzzzzzz.......
15. Tasting honey produced by Queen Beea II and Queen Betsy II... Floral, zingy, special...
16. Extracting the above honey with my family. Watching my sisters cling to the honey extractor to keep it from toppling over while my dad whirs the honey frames... :)
17. Watching newborn calves get up, stumble to their mother's udder, and their tails wag fiercely as the first milk fills their little bellies. Their ears are too big for them too. :)
18. Taking my shoes off after a long day, leaning back into my chair, and feeling my feet rejoice, liberated from weight.
19. Finding treasures at the local thrift store. Especially when they're so special I nearly shout "EUREKA!" :)
20. Cornbread. Real, chewy, corny with kernels and honeyed cornbread. Recipe coming soon...
21. Singing with my family. Sometimes I can't sing because I'm too close to crying.
22. My black winter coat Mom bought me for Christmas last year. Warm, comfortable, beautiful and perfect.
23. Giving Molly shoulder rubs. Her eyes roll back in pleasure, and her smile stretches to her eyes. She gives me lots of puppy-kisses after. :)
24. Today I saw I young father and his young tiny toddler walking their little dog. I thought the dad was walking the dog, but then I noticed that the little boy, who was hardly bigger than the dog, was holding the leash! It made my day. :)
25. Yesterday I saw a squirrel scamper up a tree. I watched it systematically strip the coating off a nut, and nibble the nut as fast as it could. It was very cool. I'm also glad I don't live in fear like that squirrel, and that I can take my time to enjoy my baked beans (also excellent with cornbread...)
26. The moment after I put on mascara, and realize how dark my eyes are. :) :) :)
27. When a person opens a gift, and their eyes widen to the size of saucers, and their jaw drops into their lap. :) :) :)
28. When I realize I'm whistling Christmas songs in the middle of July.
29. When I read a thoughtful email from someone I care about, especially when I haven't talked with them in awhile.
30. When I remember the name of a fossil I learned in seventh grade. Coprolite. :P
31. When I watch a chick flick with my lady friends and/or sisters, and am giddy for days afterwards. :)
32. Running through California beaches. Standing on the shore with my dad, listening, and realizing that the plinckety trickling I'm hearing is the sound of water receding quickly through the beach pebbles.
33. Tinkering with a recipe and having it turn out perfectly delicious. :)
34. Moments when I get an inkling of how much my mother loves me.
35. Walking through forests of frosted trees. Stunning.
36. Sunsets after a rainstorm.
37. When a test is over, and all my suppressed air releases in a sigh.
38. Moments where I glimpse the love God has for me and others.
39. Pixar movies. Similarly, when I laugh so hard in movie theaters that one of my siblings prods me and tells me to be quiet. ;)
40. Lord of the Rings, especially this. :)
41. When I snort, and my family laughs at/with me. Mind you, I don't snort on purpose. ;)
42. Reading my sparse journal entries from when I was young and couldn't spell worth a nickel (though they are priceless reading).
43. When an elevator opens to reveal a lip-locked couple. When I stand in silent laughter watching them, and 10 seconds later they see me. When the elevator doors are closing, and I can hear them outside, still doubled over in laughter. :) :) :)
44. When I read this section of the Doctrine and Covenants, and am reminded I have a great work to do.
45. When my next youngest sister teases me.
46. The word "squiggle". Just look at it. It makes me happy. :)
47. Watching family home videos with my family. The ones that are so old, they were recorded with the ancient 35 pound black dinosaur video camera.
48. Walking on long fresh green grass in bare feet.
49. Being told "Well done."
50. Little children. Especially their fingers and toes. Tiny perfection.

:) :) :)

This week: What are some of the things you love and delight in? The more you'd like to share, the better. :)

PS OOH! Idea. If you write your own especially long list (one that would be tedious to post in a comment), post a couple favorites with a link to the long list. :) :) :)


  1. I know something you should add to this list: A friend telling you that she tried one of the recipes you've posted and loved it. I can't wait for that corn bread recipe!

    I love so many things that it's hard to choose just one to post as a comment. I love walking home from church in the cool autumn weather, holding hands with my best friend/fiance, crunching through leaves, and talking about the peaceable things of Christ.

  2. Hehe--this will not be the last List of 50 Loves list. :) But for sure, knowing someone loves something I've posted means very, very much to me. :) :) :)

    It also means much just to know you've taken time to comment. :) Thank you!

    Thank you for sharing some of your loves too! I'm so excited for you!!! :)

  3. Oh how I love this! It makes me so happy :) :) Well done!! <3

  4. Dearest sister, I love you! Thank you! :) Thank you for suggesting it! :)


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