Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Dancing in the Rain

The rain started trickling onto our rooftop tap tap tap and pretty soon came a louder rap rap rap on our door, and Miria excitedly got us out of our room into the parking lot where we danced danced danced in the dark night with the rain rain rain.

The rain came down faster faster faster and soon we were singing singing singing up at Ailina's window, and she came down down down to join us.  The shoes came off, our hair got drippy drippy drippy, and the laughter and waltzes flowed.  I had the wrong timing timing timing but it was so fun fun fun.  :)

Photo borrowed from Hey There Cinderella by Nicole Zunker on this blogpost about dancing in the rain

I am thankful thankful thankful for the blessed sister and roommates I live with.  For peace, love, laughter and joy in unforgettable moments moments moments that I will treasure treasure treasure forever.

And the rain still falls down down down...  :)

With whom do you dance dance dance in the rain?  :)

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