Monday, November 12, 2012

Hola de Hermana, 12-11-12

Hola mi familia asombrosa!

Well, the earthquake in Guat was bigger news than the US election.  The Pres here of Guat declared a state of emergency.  And in a grand gesture of love for humankind, the giant beer company Gallo announced that in order to help the people in San Marcos, instead of putting the annual giant decked out Gallo Christmas Tree in every town square (literally, these huge plastic Christmas trees with the beer rooster head mascot on top of the Christmas star), they will be donating the money to San Marcos.  The irony kills me.  

Spanish has two words for earthquake.  One, ¨temblor, is a term for an earth shake that doesn´t cause houses to fall down.  Terremoto is the word for an earthquake that causes destruction.  So here in Huehue we were just getting ready to leave the house when our study tables started shaking and the floor, and I thought, Oh good grief, a bigger'than'normanl temblor.  Hna V was putting on her makeup and let out a cute little squeal, and I escorted her into the bathroom where we just waited.  It only lasted about 30 seconds, but it was interested to hear the roar and the people who were running out into the street.  And for the rest of the day we both felt real and imagined tembloritos that gave us headaches.  But we didn´t loose power and I´m thinking of what I would do if it happens again and if it happens stronger.

I am so grateful to know that you are all preparing for the BIG earthquake in Utah.  It is difficult to imagine what it would do in Utah.  I THINK that because houses here tend to be totally concrete it is easier for them to fall down.  But it was a reminder of just how fragile we can be, and just HOW important preparation is.  It is interesting to me that here in the mission we received instructions for emergency preparedness kits two months ago, and that before my mission I read articles how the Church was earthquake proofing important buildings in SLC.

Hna V asked me if the prophet sees things like the earthquake that happened here in Guat.  I thought for a moment and told her for sure he can see things like this.  But what I told her was that I remembered hearing that three days before the HUGE earthquake in Chile, the president of the mission there woke up KNOWING that a big earthquake would hit, and for three days contacted and prepared all the missionaries.  And that when it did hit three days later, everyone was prepared and okay. And I told her that for sure church leaders receive inspiration for those who are in their care, and it is our responsibility to act on their warnings and counsel to be safe.

And I remembered how five years before the big financial crisis, President Hinckley gave specific counsel and direction in a General Conference about housing mortgages, and that when the crisis, those that had followed his counsel were fine and those who hadn´t struggled.  And that in every general conference someone talks about personal preparedness and self-sufficiency. Elder Hales has given some of my most favorite talks on this.

Fotos Last Monday we went to the White River and it was a beautiful break from the city.  This is the surprise Hermanita V did with my plaque and they are still there.  And Latinos know how to make good piñatas.  Jaja.  The mom who ordered Perry the Platapus was going to send it back because the bill and tail weren´t quite right.  jeje

Please pray for Dunia!  And for Denia´s friend Carmencita and her sons Kevin and Anthony.  We also lost contact with Marcos, another friend of Denia who we want to meet with again.  

Sunday we passed for a less active who told us she still felt really hurt with a choice leaders had made and wasn´t going to go back to church until she felt ready.  I remembered a story Sister Dalton shared with the jovencitas.  A women had her temple recommend interview and the Bishop told her because she drank coffee she wasn´t worthy.  She asked the bishop, Bishop, are you going to let a cup of coffee keep me out of the temple?  And he in turn asked her, Are you going to let a cup of coffee keep you out of the Kingdom of God?  

I shared that with her and we left.  I testify that God is our Perfect Father in Heaven.  He knows and loves us.  He has set standards of conduct out of love for us to help us become gods like Him and enable us to return to live with Him and our families forever.  And it is our choice whether we are going to accept His conditions and in return receive all the blessings that He would give to us.  ALL that He has, He wants to give us.  And we just need to decide whether or not we want them.

I LOVE YOU!  You are sons and daughters of God, and I am so grateful to be part of your family!  LOVE YOU TONS!

Hermana Ivy [-]

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