Friday, February 5, 2010

Simple Pleasures of Snow... :)

Did you know snowflakes are musical? It's true! I just returned home after a dance held at the LDS Institute building. Large, white, wet flakes of snow have been falling quite quickly. I turned off my car and sat back to enjoy the snow. After a bit, I realized I could hear the snow as well as see it, and as I listened more intently, I heard a sound quite like I'd heard on California beaches this past summer.

As the snowflakes hit the car, they made plunking noises a bit like hushed coins striking aluminum cans. I watched as the flakes melted upon hitting my front windshield, and then made their way as droplets and drips down the glass. The sounds they made were very similar to the harmony the ocean makes on pebble beaches: as the waves recede down the beach to their source, the water streaming through the pebbles creates a harmony of clicks, chinks and streams.

Several layers of snowflakes covered the ground as I left the car. I enjoyed watching my footprints tell the story of where I walked.

Silence is not quite as quiet as we think she is. I am grateful to have heard her when Bustle has been tucked in and Noise is sleeping. :)


  1. oooooooh how poetic :) :) I LOVE it!! I love you, too! Come home soon! I miss you already!!

  2. My first ever comment! You are AWESOME! :D

  3. I LOVE the last four lines/two sentences. I may have to borrow the idea of footprints telling a story for my writing. Question: is Silence still a virtue if she makes music or noise instead of being absolutely quiet? (you don't have to answer this, I'm just throwing out some food for thought)

    P.S. I HEART this background! Where did you get it? I want it (or something super cute a lot like it). I also really love the title of your blog. It has a nice ring to it. When you get famous someday, you should publish a book of your wisdom and recipes and call it by this same title.

  4. I agree with Christina on everything! :D The background is from (there's a link in the top left corner).


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