Hola mi
family asombrosa!!! :)
I am so happy.
I love a quote Hna S learned from a former AP: "Debemos ser felizes,
but nunca contentos." Don't get comfortable, always keep working to
improve. I am grateful and blessed that I do feel happy with Hna S, and
we're working hard to help the families we're working with. What is
incredible to me is in the 8 months we have in the field, I have never had so
many actually positive and progressing children of God to work with.
We're finding 10 nuevos every week, we averaging 20 lessons with members
every week, and we are happy. I don't want to leave. The biggest
trial continues to be helping people understand the need to come to church and
them coming.
I am so
grateful to be friends with Hna S. We actually talk with each other at
night. Last night for 45 minutes. I feel so blessed. I feel
so much love, and am grateful that right now it is easy to love. I can't
wait for you all to meet her when we get home.
We've seen
milagros and the works of the devil this week. Someone who hasn't drunk
in 8 months was completely drunk. A lesson reiterated for me this week is
FLEE from temptation and turn to the Lord. NEVER put yourself in a situation
where you will be tempted. LEAVE friends who tempt you to lower your
standards. Turn to the Lord for comfort and strength and not to vices
that are nearly unbreakable to get rid of. I've remembered something
Elder Scott has said, that we will NEVER break a big commandment without first
being warned of the Holy Ghost.
but we've
received blessings too. We were able to meet with Manuel, Alejandra's
husband, we had the key member with us, he felt the Spirit and we put baptism
fechas for them both the 22 Julio. But then Sunday he told us he got
called to work and couldn't come to church (a lie). The devil works so
hard. But we also found 27 yr old Josue and he accepted a baptismal fecha
for the 12th. We still working with Jose's family, the Familia S.
And yesterday a miracle of all miracles: we were waiting outside of
another family's house and a lady passed us. A moment later her little
girl came back and told us her mom wanted us to go to their house. She
gave us food, and she wanted to know about the temple. We have our first
visit with them tonight at 8:20 pm with the husband. Last night when I
asked how much time they would have she said "We have lots of time."
I have such high hopes for this family (Sandra and Faustino)!
Something that's been a great
help to us is using reactivating or recently activated members to accompany us
for visits. When people feel valued and needed they step up to the plate.
I love these people.
Happy Fourth
of July! Thank you to Taylor and all the others who have served our
country and fought for freedom! One of my heroes who fought for spiritual
and physical freedom: Alma 48:7-18
Mary asked
me about earthquakes. The other day in the morning there was another one
where we actually heard noise and the beds shook. But usually the
earthquakes are really small and hardly noticeable--we just feel slightly dizzy
after. :) It's not uncommon to have a tiny one every day or
multiple times a day.
I love you
all so much! I testify you are children of our Heavenly Father, and He
knows and loves you! We are literally fighting a battle between good and
evil, and the devil is working as hard as he can to make us miserable, so we
have to do everything we can to do and be good. And help our brothers and
sisters. We are all in this together!!! We want "El reino de
Dios o nada." --Pres John Taylor
Ivy [-]
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