Wednesday, November 17, 2010

38th Thankful Thursday: 1,000 "Thankfuls" for Thanksgiving! :D

I'm thankful for: my family, cornbread, Jesus Christ, our dog Molly, rain, snow, mountains, bees, honey, clouds, sunsets, chickadees, pictures of hedgehogs that my sister shows me, the color purple, my computer, my kitchen, my pillow, my blankie (I can't believe I typed that in public), and India.

That took less than three minutes.  

THIS WEEK:  Post 20 "somethings" you are thankful for.  Let's get 1,000 Thankfuls by Thanksgiving!  

--Please post your thankfuls in groups of 20.  That will make it easy to count to 1,000.  We just need 49 comments on this post.  
--This is informal--it's okay if your thankfuls duplicate those of another person.  
--I plan to post each day for the next week.  You are more than welcome to post multiple times too.  :)

Your participation is eagerly anticipated and much appreciated!!!  :D

This post was inspired by a Facebook status of Carol Tuttle.  


  1. I'm thankful for: a heater, my winter coat, my desklamp, Christmas lights, highlighters, cellphones, my scriptures, photographs, participation *cough*, friends, handwritten letters, stuffed animals, sticky notes, refried beans, servicemen, servicewomen, Van Gogh, Nessun Dorma, Les Miserables, and pine trees.

    48 comments to go! :)

  2. I'm thankful for:
    my husband, my house, the heater in my car, special k cereal, hymns, modern medicine, floss, my job, church, etsy, my brother the missionary, the holiday season, cooking, nepal, running, the utah jazz, diet coke, warm jackets, laughter, my family and extended family :)

  3. Kris is thankful for a warm coat, autumn leaves, four AWESOME kids!!!, smiley face stickers, tide pools at the beach, quiet time to ponder, an incredibly soft and understanding puppy, enjoying exercise (who would have thought I would ever say that?!), feeling a connection with seven amazing siblings, my parents, faith in my Savior Jesus Christ, the guidance of His Gospel, the anticipation of celebrating the holidays, colorful Christmas lights on dark winter nights, a cup of warm tomato soup, time to play the piano, opportunities to serve, jingle bells, Lark Rise to Candleford (and other clean chick flicks I can watch with my girls), and the basketball season - GO JAZZ!

  4. Late-Start Tuesdays, the gospel, my Davis friends, my Layton friends, long weekends, GREAT education, warm scarves and coats, Iain, Ivy, Myself, Hannah, Molly, Mom, Dad, the ability to delight in simple pleasures, "The Secret", breathlessly beautiful scenery, funny movies, computers, copy machines.

  5. I'm thankful for Thursdays because the next day is Friday! I'm thankful for a healthy body. I'm thankful for my comfortable bed. I'm thankful for a loving family and I'm thankful for an amazing husband! :)

  6. I'm thankful for:
    my family, home, school, clothes, food, the gospel, seminary, my journals, home videos, computers, my phone, my ipod, cars, this earth, the stars, my friends, my ward, my neighborhood, weekends, and holidays!

  7. I am so grateful for: My family, the Gospel, Potatos, my Warm Bed, Lotion, Rain, Cardigans, Music, Sports Games, Education, the Stars, Hugs from my Nieces and Nephews, Fireworks, Fruit, Mascara, K-Town, Art, Friends, Toilet Paper, Milk. :)

    Thanks for the challenge! I know I don't know you, but I appreciate getting me thinking. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

  8. allie: family, health, running, jeep, apples, hot water, sunshine, music, sugarhouse park, mountains, bananas, freedom, weekends, hummus, fireworks, vegetables, almond butter, education, church, friends

  9. OH, how WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much Rachel, Kris, Sis,Natalie, Naomi, Court Mort - :) and Allie!!! Thank you, thank you!!! :D

    I'm also thankful for: my mom and sister who email their friends to let them know about this opportunity, those wonderful people who take time out of their day to post on this obscure blog, being able to assist others, positive affirmations, public transportation, my professors, teachers, my blue coat, my comfortable shoes, utensils to eat with,
    my oven, earmuffs, warm black gloves, talking on the phone with family, my bookshelf, the books on my bookshelf, my alarm clock, the dictionary, my brother who is serving an LDS mission, and whoever actually reads this! :)

  10. Post from a Facebook friend :) :the people I love, trees, oceans, courage, i-pods, tabasco sauce, cinnamon, concerts, health, adventures, chocolate, bandaids, my education, sports, vacations, sleep, hammocks, late night chats, my bike, paint

  11. Post from a Facebook friend :) :family, health, running, jeep, apples, hot water, sunshine, music, sugarhouse park, mountains, bananas, freedom, weekends, hummus, fireworks, vegetables, almond butter, education, church, friends

  12. I am thankful for the men in my life (both big and small). I am thankful for the opportunity that I have to be a mommy again. I am so excited to have another little man in my life. I am grateful for recipe blogs, photography, the ocean, my family, good books, snuggling my baby, cuddling with my husband, Disneyland, Hawaii, comfy pajamas, my warm bed, my iphone, a home, and delicious food to eat (when it stays down (: )
    Tara (your sweet mom's friend)

  13. Thankful musings on the way to the library: Schools, teachers, books, good authors,newspapers,libraries, shoes; my cane, without which I wouldn't get very far; the kind friends who made it and gave it to me; doctors, nurses, good diagnostic equipment, all the people who help when help is needed; email, Google; the ability to think; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, awareness of God's presence and love; children and grandchildren.

  14. Wow what a list we have so far! I am thankful for my family, my fiance, my future in-laws (especially my fiance's youngest brother who is starting to hug me when he sees me), seeing colorful sunsets from the bus, a great job, my car, learning to make and try more foods than I have before, Google Maps, a friendly ward, prayer, walking, matching hats and mittens, fun scarves, roses and other pretty flowers, the colors of autumn, the Oregon coast, temples (especially when they light up at night), hot chocolate, letters in the mail, and (last but not least) this blog!

  15. I'm thankful for smiles from strangers, days without pain, rain and clean air and green growing things, quiet times for praying, a warm house and a safe water supply, useful work and a steady paycheck, the people who work hard for peace and justice and social services - making the most of my small tithe, the daily reminder as I drive past the food bank's distribution center of how much we all have to be thankful for, being able to give up my seat to someone who needs it, being offered a seat when I really want to sit down, good memories, trees that give shade in the summer and crunchy leaves to walk through in the fall and the people who plant and tend those trees, people with nice voices who sing while walking down the sidewalk, people who practice their dancing while waiting for a ride...

  16. Ohh!!! You are wonderful! Thank you so much Tara, Mary, Christina and Anonymous!!! I love how each of your lists are unique to you and sincere. Thank you!!! :) :) :)

    Including this post, we have met ~32.7% of 1,000 Thankfuls!!! :D

    Tonight I am thankful for: you glorious people who have enriched my life through sharing pieces of your hearts, chivalrous young men, virtuous ladies, uncles, aunts, cousins, cameras, my warm fleece robe, acts of service, humor, fire alarms, Mom, Dad, Iain, Drue, Hannah, Molly, young TAs who conduct test reviews, my fingers, and healthy sinuses.

  17. Sent through email by Marci Lock--Thank you, Marci! :)
    I am so grateful and thankful my Heavenly Father / Source loves me enough to allow me to be the powerful creator of my life, to literally experience everything I desire, and allows me to experience this life through whatever perception I choose. Along with this, I am so incredibly grateful he is my co-creator guiding me along the path of my perfect growth process to experience those lessons that allow me to discover and remember even more so my greatness, and abilities to share for value creation.)

    Marci Lock

  18. Today I'm thankful for: grandparents, laughing at mistakes, smiles, snow-covered trees, calculators, fuzzy socks, hot showers, comfortable clothes, T-rod (my stuffed animal puppy), talking with my family, speaker function on phones, the post office, the Sabbath, the gift of the Sacrament, smiley-face stickers, hand sanitizer, my car, windshield wipers, hot herbal tea, and reflection time. :)

  19. This morning I'm thankful for: a day of rest, friends, snow shovels, huge snowflakes, the mini Christmas tree Mom gave to me to light up my apartment, Christmas songs, the photographs of friends and family I've plastered on my walls, my backpack, my snow boots, the peace and love I feel in Temples, curiosity, integrity, cookbooks, Monda Market (in India), ma&pop restaurants, my journal, beach pebbles, incredible teachers, great professors, and my hands.

  20. From a Facebook friend :) :I'm thankful for toothbrushes, pumpkin pie, jalepeno chips, spiritual moments, public transportation, blogs, friends, brother, sisters, nephew, niece, parents, music, school, holidays, scriptures, good health, roommates, the USA, and Faith.

  21. Today I'm thankful for: boots, the bus, cold apple pie for breakfast, leftovers in the fridge for lunch, green plants on my desk, cell phones, my husband, the internet, drinking fountains, chapstick, good friends, lab mice, a healthy body, Rummikub, basketball, an email from my mom-in-law, Cul-de-sac comics, sticky notes, the temple, and a fuzzy fleece blanket on my bed.

  22. From a Facebook friend :) :I'm thankful for student funds for trips, family, friends, holidays, good health, tender mercies, the gospel, caramel, a major I love, high standards, good movies, a soft bed, adequate sleep, roommates, enough food, clean water, mini umbrellas, prophets, technology, quotable quotes.

  23. Thank you thank you, Kimma! :D I'm pretty sure I never would have thought to post "lab mice". ;)

    I am so thankful for: free exercise (i.e. snow shoveling), fiber, Kleenex, chats with friends, Family Home Evening, Institute classes (which are about the scriptures and the Gospel), salt for sidewalks so I don't slip and fall, dark chocolate, happy thoughts, optimism, productive days, open-mindedness, candidness, news, writing letters, lotion, when my grandma calls and wishes me a happy birthday every year, the mailman, my brother the missionary, and my interpersonal communications textbook (which is actually the most useful textbook I've ever had).

  24. From a Facebook relative :) :Thankful for my beautiful healthy kids, wonderful hardworking husband, my church calling (most of the time :) ), my horse, family ranch, quakie trees, indoor plumbing, central heat, 4WD, medical technology, clean hospitals, good running shoes, bottled fruit, bottled tomatoes, homemade bread, my washer and dryer, sewing machine, big fuzzy blankets, long hot bathes, good books to read, rainy days, parks with swings, Christmas, Easter, thunder storms....I could go on forever but I have to write a talk...yeah not terribly thankful for public speaking... :)

  25. Thank you all so much! We are HALF WAY to 1000!!! :D WHOOT! :D

    Today I'm thankful for: four-wheel drive, construction workers, personal revelation, my trusty car, bright lights, my family, Mom&Dad calling me and asking me to drive home early before the storm, a safe arrival home, pumpkin cookies, petting Molly, washing machine, drier, clean towels, BLTs, hugs from my family, shoulder-rubs from my family, the brilliant ideas my family members have, cute little bottles, family time, and family prayer.

  26. Tonight I'm grateful for: a dad who is willing and able to spend 45 minutes giving his daughter shoulder and head rubs, a sister who I am able to ask for advice, another sister who loves the jewelry I made her, a mom who lets me sleep in :) , a puppy-dog who presses her soft head against my leg as I give her shoulder rubs, the same puppy-dog who enjoys eating Indian food, time spent with my family, funny movies, funny shows, getting to know my relatives better, safe travel, the Atonement, the Resurrection, "O Holy Night", my grandparents who are serving a mission in Germany, sweet potatoes, recipes, hugs, hot showers, and snow shovels.

  27. I am thankful for french braids, friends that can do/teach french braiding, sisters that let me play/experiment with their hair, fantastic hair stylists, hair elastics, nail polish, nail polish remover, orthodontics, braces/retainers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss 11, Microsoft Word, nice cameras, mechanical pencils, bobby pins, cowboy boots, staplers, glowsticks, church leaders, and emoticons :D

  28. Anne is thankful for sunshine, family, friends, enough to eat, effective medicines, spring blossoms, fall leaves, moonlight, sunrises, sunsets, blue skies, puffy clouds, birds, dandelions, the hum of bees, bright stars, trees, rocks, flowing water, my five senses...

  29. I'm thankful for good books (especially when they exactly fit the mood I'm in), knowing that I can call my family anytime and they'll always want to talk to me, letters in the mailbox, Christmas music, Christmas lights, study groups, strawberries, care packages from home, warm coats and scarves, girls nights, cell phones, public transportation, sweatshirts when I don't feel like dressing up, libraries, rain, scriptures, family traditions, mountains, the ocean, the moon

  30. Also stories, storytellers, songs, voices in harmony, opportunities to babysit, pickles, cookies, watermelons, broccoli, teeth, books & music, poems & paintings, math, hope, faces shining in candlelight, crickets, flowers, wind, being loved, and the capacity for happiness...

  31. I'm thankful for this encouragement to count our blessings, people who are kind to the ones they love, people praying on the bus, people dressed up in pretty clothes, good sermons, good dirt for gardening, bicycles, libraries, green cemeteries, getting letters, porridge, milk, honey, swings, playgrounds, hiking trails, sidewalks, bike paths, pencils, and hats...

  32. My family, Becca Ashmore, my house, my pool, my awesome nerd school (NUAMES), My unbiological sisters, my greenday poster, the shark chat image, birthdays, Art, permanent markers, mats that don't smell like burnt rubber, homemade mashed potatos and gravy, non abusive boyfriends, people that care, fluffy puppies, the moon, harry potter, Very potter musicals, and everything that God has given me in my life. :) Yay!!!

  33. From Facebook participation: my boyfirend :), family, friends, animals, cars, facebook, warm air, food :), water, sugar, christmas, book of mormon, turkey, America, freedom, stars, space, :D

  34. From Facebook participation: family, cat, birds, house, friends, public schools, life, food, money, light, water, sugar free stuff, warmth, air, republican gov, 50 states, freedom, cars, electronics, facebook.

  35. Dear Summer, Anonymous, Anna, Anonymous, Anonymous, and Liza: THANK YOU so much for taking time to post your thankfuls. Your participation means so much to me.

    Right now I'm thankful for: my agency: the ability to choose for myself, even though I cannot choose all the consequences, for loving family, the opportunity to get together with extended family, good weather for travel, plenty of delicious and nutritious food to eat, warm blankets, a home, knowledge God knows and loves me, comfort, peace, laughing so hard I hurt, hugs, snow boots, caring neighbors, the ability to breathe, the sensation of sense, beautiful music, inspiring words, thank you notes, support, encouragement and love.

  36. From a friend :) :What am I grateful for???? The list is endless but the summary is this...I am grateful, truly and deeply grateful for the simple perfection and beauty of it ALL. If I could hold to that one thought, that life is simple, beautiful and perfect in the moment it would be smooth sailing!!!! HaPpY GiViNg ThAnKs!!! Always C

  37. Facebook participation: My family, my life, music, good friends, my religion, my sister, laughter, good books, the cats, freedom, my Mom, inside jokes, warmth, endless possibilites, opportunity, sleep, technology, education, genuinely good people, genuine smiles. :)

  38. Alpheus Harvey is thankful for basketball, ping pong, gym class, science olympiad, good teachers, good friends, the Utes, My black chair for doing homework, cousins, being a suck-up (sometimes), the number ten, my great-grandpa Alpheus, who is responsible for the fact i have a cool name, my grandparents, my family members watching from above, seminary, The Jazz, my camera, basketballs, basketball hoops, and pop-art. (Thank you, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, wherever you are...) :)

  39. oh, and Keith Van Horn. (That makes twenty-uno)

  40. I am thankful first for my family-my husband and kids, my parents, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and lots of good friends. I am thankful for the beauty in nature and the chance to enjoy it everyday.I am thankful for good music, the scriptures, church and the Ensign. I am thankful for Veggie Soup, a warm home, Christmastime, sunshine, a wonderful community to live in and electric blankets on cold nights! Thank you Ivy for helping me think about my blessings! Jane

  41. Dear Daniel: I am impressed beyond belief that you know who Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein are! Way to go!

    Jane: Thank you so much!!! :D

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