Hola mi
familia increible! :)
After saying
"ASOMBROSO!" for 6 months, I finally learned this week that it means
"amazing" not "awesome". Which means I really should
probably be saying "buenísimo"... But it just doesn't have the
same ring to it...
Last night
the zone leaders called us and told us Hermana G has transfers tomorrow.
We are so bummed. We weren't expecting it at all. I am so
grateful for her. She reminds me a lot of Drue, and her spontaneity helped
me open up again. Like when we were practicing the dances and she picked
me up and twirled me around, and I let out my Ivyshriekyelp. She is also
the best example of selfless love, service, and generosity I've yet had for a
companion. I love her. I'm so grateful I can still be with Hermana
S. One of our favorite lines from this week was when we passed a tienda
playing music, and Hna S got a smile on her face, and said, "El mundo...
me gusta!!!!" I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
Thursday one of the Area Presidency is coming and we're having a mission
conference. I am so excited. :)
Jose and his
family weren't able to come to the activity or church this week. Please
keep praying for them. We have a visit with them Wed at 5 pm with
members. Please pray their hearts will be open. We still haven't
taught Concepciopn the Restauration, and I feel like she's missing something
before we teach it, and we dont know what. Please pray their hearts and
minds will be open so that they can apply the Atonement in their lives.
I’ve thought
often about something our stake president said months ago. He said
that someone once asked him to describe the worthiness of ALL the MOST
successful (financially and spiritually) families in the stake. And as he
described them, he realized ALL of them were doing ALL that was required of
them: fulfilling their callings, attending church, having family scripture
study and family prayer daily, and having family home evening weekly, and
fulfilling their visiting and hometeaching responsibilities. He said that
when we do all we can to be obedient and make the Lord's priorities our
priorities, we are then entitled to the blessings of heaven and earth.
This is of what Mosiah 2:41 testifies in the Book of Mormon. This
relates to some counsel Pte Bautista gave me, when he reminded me that whenever
we feel like we've gotten in a slump or aren't progressing, it's our
responsibility to seek inspiration for how we can improve, and then exercise
our faith to make the changes and THEN we are entitled to the next highest
paygrade. He said the apostles and profets aren't perfect, but they stand
out among men because they are ALWAYS seeking to improve, change, and earn the
next paygrade.
I decided
after reading this amazing talk (Opening the
Heavens, Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi Ensign Aug 2009), that I'm going to
improve my daily morning preparation and study. I want to have a sacred
grove experience every morning. And even though I haven't improved yet as
perfectly as I've wanted to, I felt the Spirit during my past two mornings and
know because I'm trying to improve and do better, Heavenly Father is pleased
and wants me to continue to change and improve. I promise you if you seek
to make inspired changes in your mornings in order to receive the Spirit and
Revelation, you will receive them.
I love you
all so much! I testify that Jesus Christ LIVES. He is our Savior
and Redeemer. And bringing our brothers and sisters to the fullness of
His everlasting Gospel is the most important work we can possibly do in the
life. The prophets testify of this. It is their work too. And
I promise you if you make YOUR efforts to share the Gospel and be a member
missionary, YOU will receive the specific blessings that you need in your life
right now. And I can promise you that because you will be doing your part
to bless your brothers and sisters with salvation and exaltation. In the
name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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