Yesterday I had an even better cup of cocoa. I had emailed my India teammates asking for photos, and two replied the same day. Both with wonderful pictures.
Ki. sent hot cocoa flowing through my bones with what she wrote:
"Hi Ivy!!Hope everything's going well with you. I'm SO glad you emailed... The day before I left I went to Kowdipally with Subhash to check on the garden you guys planted. I took pictures of the garden (it was about a month after you had planted) and everything was growing! I talked with Subhash, the local field staff and the farmers and everyone only had good things to say about it. They said they were really skeptical at first but after seeing how well it was growing after only a month, they all thought it was a really good idea. Several expressed a desire to plant their own modified square foot gardens... instead of doing one four by forty strip they wanted to do several, with each strip containing only one kind of plant. Not only that but the farmer next door to Manya's place had planted his own square foot garden! It was more like the kind the farmers talked about - bigger, more strips with each strip containing one kind of crop. I think he had planted four kinds of crops in total...Subhash, by the way, was super happy with the progress and public sentiment at the time I left. Way to go!!"
I am grateful. :)
THIS WEEK: What has been like a cup of hot cocoa for you?

Photo taken by Ki. :)
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