Thursday, August 12, 2010

24th Thankful Thursday: Loving younger people (even if they are as tall or taller....)

My next youngest sister is having her Golden Birthday this Sunday. Here are some revised snippets from a prior Thankful Thursday post, with some additional warm fuzzies. :)

My next youngest sister has taken the Sun hostage in her laugh and cheery disposition. She recently completed the same 90 Day Mind and Body Transformation my Mom did, and my sister can't keep herself from radiating joy. She is confident, does hard things, is full of enthusiasm, and is so buff her hugs nearly squeeze the life out of me. ;) Her smile lights up the world.

THIS WEEK: Who is a younger person you are particularly grateful for? Why?

PS When was the last time you told that particular someone you loved them? I hope you take time to do it again today...


  1. Ivy! I can't believe Ivy's Kitchen Counter is in its 24th week! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

  2. aw THANKS!!! Oh my... I feel so amazing right now.... :D You are wonderful, Ivy! Thank you!!

  3. Christina--Thank you! :)

    Sister, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)


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