Thursday, April 22, 2010

8th Thankful Thursday: Family

We've been blessed with gorgeous weather the past two days. Low gray clouds, wind, and some of my favorite smells. If someone could replicate the honeyed freshness of rain, including a whiff of damp barn smell (dewy, clean barns smell sweet, not foul) that reminds me of home, and make it just as penetrating as the real deal... I'd be their first customer.

It took me a while to identify the barn smell. When I did, I got a bit homesick...

I miss my family. Here are a few reasons why I love them and are thankful for them:

Dad--is someone I can talk to about the multitude of ideas that stream from my brain. He works hard to support our family. He has sacrificed a lot, worked a ton, so Mom could be my Mom. Dad teaches me stewardship, Christian discipleship, and how to trust.

Mom--made Motherhood her first priority. Can words express how much it meant to me to come home from school, call "Mom, we're home!", and hear her return , "I'm in the _____!" Or how many nights she would come and sit on my bed, and listen to and talk with me? No, words cannot.

My Big Brother--I used to be upset that he is two minutes older, because I wanted to be the oldest. Now I wouldn't have it any other way. There is something special about having a big brother, especially one who is my best friend. He listens, gives sound advice, has kept me from being hit by a car since I didn't see it and started to cross the road, and he draws the best stick figures I've ever seen. :)

Next youngest sister--If anyone could live and capture the Sun in a mortal laugh and cheery disposition, it is her. She laughs easily, her laugh is infectious, and she can't stay mad for more than two minutes before she starts to crack up. She even radiates light like the sun.

Youngest sister--This young lady has endless energy and motivation to go forth and do. She is the first one to do something asked by Mom and Dad. Through example, she reminds me to work hard, and that anything is possible.

Molly--our awesome and gorgeous working cattle dog. Why we were blessed with such an intelligent, mindful and unique puppy-dog, I'm not sure. She barks Happy Birthday right along with us and is unafraid of tackling one ton Angus bulls and ornery cows who don't mind their manners. :)

This week: Why are you thankful for your family?

1 comment:

  1. :D because I have an amazing sister like YOU!! :D thanks, Ivy!! I love you so much!!!


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