Thursday, March 4, 2010

FIRST EVER Thankful Thursday Weekly Challenge :)

Paperclips, handwritten letters, puppy-dogs with great big brown eyes and soft fuzzy fur and brown eyes who love you unconditionally, the fact that "tests have an end", clean bed sheets, sincere complements, a warm coat, warm gloves, snow in the mountains, and post-it notes.

There. Ten things I'm thankful for, most of which are taken for granted. (Well, except for the pooch. She gets lots of love.)

THE CHALLENGE: What are you thankful for? Go ahead and write your big things, or take a moment to think about the less obvious.

1 comment:

  1. My new glasses, rain, colorful sunsets, feeling alive early in the morning instead of sleepy, soft pillows, pens and paper, soap and shampoo so I can be clean, birdsong, people who can explain complicated or technical things to me so I understand, and laughter. There, I did it too.


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