Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thankful Thursday: A Week of Thankfuls for Thanksgiving! :) :) :)

ONE WEEK BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!!  I'm so excited!  While I've been listening to Christmas music since before Halloween, I am grateful for a holiday to remind us of being thankful.  I'm going to post some thankfuls here in the comments every day this week, and invite you to join me!  :)  Here's to a wonderful Day of Thanksgiving!  :)

A mis amigos queridos, en una semana nosotros Nortes nos vamos a celebrar el día de acción de gracias!!!  Cada día en esta semana voy a escribir algunas cosas por lo que estoy agradecida, y les invito para hacerlo también aquí!  :)  

I am thankful for/estoy agradecida por:
mi familia
head rubs from Dad
la oportunidad para estudiar en la universidad
hugs from Mom
tickle fights with my sister Drue
poke wars with my sister Hannah
play time with siblings

escuchando a los niños pequeños cantando

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Little Streams and children's songs

Yesterday a friend reminded me of being grateful for little things.  Today, a little something that came to mind is a song I loved as a toddler, "Give, Said the Little Stream."*  I never knew the lyrics to the second and third verses until this year, and they are beautiful:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday: In an abyss of weakness, and Christ lifts us up

Background: On Facebook one of my friends posted a link to an article on thesecondbreakfastblog in which Morgan Reber interviews a young adult woman addicted to pornography.  I was touched by her message of coming to understand God's love for her because sometimes it is hard for me to love myself when I make mistakes.  

I am in awe of this honest interview by Morgan Reber on thesecondbreakfastblog of a young adult woman about her years-long addiction to pornography, and how she has learned to rely on the Lord our Savior and His Atonement.  The following excerpt describes an experience that helps her trust the Lord's pure and eternal love for her:

[Interviewer]: I was recently watching a TED talk about the difference between guilt and shame—guilt is “I did a bad thing”, shame is “I am a bad person", and I think in a religion that emphasizes good works it can be hard to differentiate between the two, which sometimes makes it hard for us to truly accept the Atonement. It’s difficult for us to realize that God’s love never wavers and our divine nature never changes.

[Interviewee]: The difference between guilt and shame, I think, is a huge thing. I remember one experience I had. It was my sophomore year in college. I remember I messed up again for the millionth time, and I was so frustrated with myself. I was praying, but I was yelling at anything that would listen, “Heavenly Father, how can you forgive me? I keep doing it, then I keep apologizing, but I keep doing it and then apologizing. Why do you keep buying it? I’m not even buying it anymore!” 
Eternal Love, by Del Parson

But then I got this overwhelming impression saying, “Stop pretending you understand how much I love you or how I can forgive you, because you never will be able to. Just trust that I can. That’s all you need to know.” [emphasis added]

I testify that no matter how many times we mess up, no matter how "small" or "big" our mistakes are, how deep in our personal abyss we may return to over and over, God knows and loves us.  He knows our hearts, and through the power and grace of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, we are cleansed and made whole.

"Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing", performed by the BYU Combined Chorusus

When have you felt lifted up by Christ?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Opportunities to stretch oneself

“If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.” 

Guess how I celebrated my Halloween?  Apart from making fun sugar cookies?

Yup.  For 15 whole minutes.  :)  I had never attended a dance party* before, and am thankful for the three roommates who wanted to go.  It was long enough to have fun, and short enough to prevent any headaches.  :)  And Ailina, bless her soul forever, taught me a method to the madness of how-to-dance-to-modern-music: first move your legs, then move your arms, then move your head.  Do it all together and try not to hit anyone.  :)  And I did it!--not the hitting part  ;)